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Because reliable transportation
changes lives.

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Our Vision

Our vision is a world where everyone has reliable transportation regardless of income. We envision a society where people are not held back from accessing healthcare, education, and job opportunities due to a lack of transportation. By providing funding for automotive repair and maintenance on a sliding scale fee based on income, we aim to bridge the transportation gap that has left so many behind. Our nonprofit exists to empower individuals and communities by ensuring that transportation barriers do not limit their potential. We envision a future where everyone has access to safe and reliable transportation, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide funding for automotive repair and maintenance services to individuals and families in need. We strive to reduce the transportation crisis that has left so many unable to access essential services and job opportunities. By offering a sliding scale fee based on income, we aim to ensure that cost is not a barrier for those in need of reliable transportation. Our organization is committed to promoting equity and social justice by providing resources to those who are often marginalized due to their financial situation. We believe that everyone deserves access to safe and reliable transportation, and we are committed to making this a reality for those who need it most.

Our Core Values

Commitment to excellence
Dignity for all people
Compassion for all those in need

Our Team

kayla williams

Kayla Williams

Executive Director

Kayla Williams is a devoted community leader and compassionate innovator who co-founded Automotive Service Assistance (ASA) alongside her mother, Christy Laird. As Executive Director, Kayla brings her unique skill set and dedication to creating a lasting impact in the lives of those in need by making automotive repair services accessible and affordable. With a rich background in project coordination, marketing, and volunteer work, Kayla’s passion for community involvement fuels her drive to lead ASA to success.

Interview with Kayla Williams, Executive Director of Automotive Service Assistance

1. What inspired you to co-found ASA with your mother, and how do you envision its future impact?

The inspiration for ASA stemmed from my personal experience with the financial strain of unexpected automotive repairs and the realization that reliable transportation is a pressing issue affecting millions of Americans. I discussed my frustrations with my mother, and together, we decided to establish a non-profit organization that provides funding for automotive repair and maintenance services on a sliding scale fee based on income. Our vision is to create a world where everyone has access to safe and reliable transportation, empowering individuals and families to maintain employment, access healthcare, and pursue opportunities that enhance their quality of life.

2. How does your experience in project coordination and marketing contribute to your role as Executive Director of ASA?

My background in project coordination and marketing has equipped me with a variety of skills that are crucial for leading ASA. As Executive Director, I am responsible for developing and implementing effective strategies to achieve our goals and objectives. My experience in marketing allows me to drive brand awareness, while my project coordination skills enable me to oversee and manage various initiatives and programs that promote client retention and satisfaction.

3. How has your volunteer work shaped your approach to leading ASA?

My extensive volunteer work has taught me the importance of empathy and compassion when working with those in need. Through experiences such as helping children in foster homes, supporting food banks, and participating in various community projects, I have gained a deep understanding of the operational side of non-profit organizations. This knowledge, combined with my dedication to making a difference, informs my approach to leading ASA and ensuring we make a meaningful impact on the lives of those we serve.

4. What do you find most rewarding about your role as Executive Director of ASA?

The most rewarding aspect of my role is witnessing the transformative power of reliable transportation in the lives of our clients. Seeing individuals and families overcome obstacles and achieve their goals through our support is incredibly gratifying. It serves as a constant reminder of why we founded ASA and motivates me to continue working tirelessly towards our mission.

5. Can you share a fun fact or hobby that you enjoy outside of your work with ASA?

I am an avid player of Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Dungeons & Dragons! These games allow me to unwind and enjoy some friendly competition while also fostering creativity and strategic thinking. I find that these hobbies help maintain a healthy work-life balance, allowing me to approach my role at ASA with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

chrisy laird

Christy Laird

Director of Benefits and Co-Founder

Christy Laird is a seasoned professional with nearly 20 years of experience in the automotive industry. With a passion for helping others and a wealth of knowledge in managing and running automotive shops, she has played a pivotal role in the establishment and success of Automotive Service Assistance (ASA).

Growing up surrounded by car parts and witnessing the inner workings of vehicle repairs, Christy developed an innate curiosity about automobiles. While her initial career aspiration was to become a nurse, fate led her down a different path, and she ultimately became an ASE Certified Automotive Service Consultant. Instead of providing assistance in the realm of human care, she found fulfillment in offering her expertise in vehicle care.

While Christy doesn’t claim to know everything about vehicles, her accumulated knowledge and eagerness to learn enable her to tackle any challenge that comes her way. With a firm belief in the power of giving, she takes joy in witnessing the smiles on people’s faces when she provides assistance, even with the simplest of things. For Christy, helping others is a reflection of her deep-rooted faith and the presence of Jesus in her heart.

Remarkably, Christy’s expertise in the automotive field has been entirely self-taught. She has honed her skills and expanded her understanding through hands-on experience rather than formal education. Over the course of her career, having spent more than two decades working in various automotive repair shops, she has encountered countless individuals in dire need of vehicle repairs. It is this genuine desire to make a difference that fuels her dedication to offering assistance.

When Christy says, “I am here to help,” it is not a mere greeting but a heartfelt commitment. Her genuine concern for others and her unwavering dedication to resolving their automotive challenges make her an invaluable asset to ASA. With her extensive knowledge, compassionate nature, and hands-on experience, she exemplifies professionalism and a true passion for service.

robert taylor

Robert Taylor

Vice President of the Board

Robert Taylor is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in sales engineering and a proven track record of success. As Vice President of the Board for Automotive Service Assistance, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, he brings his expertise and passion for serving others.

Robert possesses a unique blend of technical knowledge and sales acumen. His role as a Solutions Architect has enabled him to secure new clients through expert guidance, ensuring that their specific needs are met with tailored solutions. Robert is known for his ability to develop a deep understanding of emerging technologies and effectively communicate their benefits to prospective clients.

With his thoughtful and professional approach, Robert Taylor is an invaluable asset to the Automotive Service Assistance team. His dedication to serving individuals in need, combined with his sales engineering expertise, positions him as a visionary leader in the nonprofit sector. Through his contributions, he strives to make a lasting impact on the lives of those seeking affordable automotive repair and maintenance services.

carolyn hudson

Carolynn Hudson

Board Member

Carolynn Hudson is an esteemed board member of Automotive Service Assistance (ASA), bringing a wealth of experience and a deep passion for customer service and helping others. With a strong background in management, customer service, and retail spanning well over a decade, Carolynn has developed a keen understanding of the importance of meeting the needs of individuals and maximizing resources to enhance customer experiences.

Carolynn’s commitment to finding innovative solutions that balance efficiency and customer satisfaction sets her apart as a valuable asset to the ASA team. She firmly believes in the power of collaboration and resourcefulness, ensuring that ASA can provide optimal support and assistance to individuals in the automotive service industry.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Carolynn’s dedication to making a positive impact extends to her personal life as well. As a devoted mother of five wonderfully chaotic children, she understands the significance of fostering a compassionate and helpful society for future generations. This profound desire to create a world where helping others is second nature propels Carolynn’s efforts at ASA, where she channels her energy and commitment to making a difference.

Carolynn Hudson’s invaluable expertise, combined with her unwavering passion for customer service and dedication to societal betterment, make her an exceptional board member of Automotive Service Assistance. Through her visionary leadership and collaborative spirit, she continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the organization’s mission to provide essential support and resources to the automotive service industry.

jada willis

Jada Willis

Board Member

Jada Willis is CEO of Jada Willis Consulting. Previously she served as CEO of Willis HR (now JER HR Group), an outsourced HR Consulting firm headquartered in Columbia, SC. Willis HR received the SC Best in Business awards by being voted 2021 and 2022’s Best Human Resource Benefits Company and 2021’s Best Minority Business of the Year.
Jada has established herself as a thought leader in leadership development, consensus building, and transforming company culture. Jada is the author of “Pantsless Nation: HR Guidance for Mastering Remote Work” and the host of the international podcast, “HR after Dark: Solving the People Problems that Keep You Up at Night.”
Jada’s passion for people is contagious and she has an innate ability to motivate those around her. Her knowledge is derived from 18+ years of proven success in HR roles within Fortune 100 organizations. Most notably, Verizon and Target Corporation. Jada holds a Master’s of Arts in Industrial and Labor Relations and a Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management.
Jada believes in the importance of serving others; she focuses on social causes such as hunger, working poor, economic opportunity and empowerment. Jada is the Chair of the Board of Directors for Harvest Hope Food Bank, volunteers at various Homeless Shelters and is a Member of the McNair Institute for Entrepreneurism and Free Enterprise – Partnership Council.

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